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1. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother; see A History of Psychology in Autobiography: Volume 8, edited by G. Lindzey (Stanford, Palo Alto, CA, 1989, p. 64).
2. Jewish father.
3. Son of a Danish-Jewish mother, Karla Abrahamsen, and a German-Jewish step-father, Dr. Theodor Homburger.  Prior to her marriage to Homburger, Erikson's mother was briefly married to a Danish Jew, Valdemar Isidor Salomonson.  Erikson claimed, however, that his true biological father was an unknown, non-Jewish Dane.  See Erik Erikson: a detailed evaluation and genogram study, by Monica McGoldrick.
4. Jewish mother, non-Jewish father.  Although Eysenck denied Jewish ancestry throughout most of his life, in his 1990 autobiography, he admitted that his maternal grandmother, who died in the Nazi concentration camp at Terezín, had been Jewish.  In a recent paper, entitled "Hans Eysenck and the Jewish question: Genealogical investigations" (Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 103, pp. 195-199, December 2016), Andrew M. Colman and Caren A. Frosch present conclusive evidence showing that both of Eysenck's maternal grandparents had, in fact, been Jews.
5. Born Carol Friedman;
listed as "Jewish" in Marquis Who's Who in America.
6. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
7. Born Elizabeth Fishman; see also
8. Jewish father, non-Jewish mother.
9. Son of the German-Jewish economist Hans Philip Neisser and a non-Jewish mother.  See Encyclopaedia Judaica (Keter, Jerusalem, 1972, vol. 12, p. 945).

10. Jewish mother, née Hanna Hammerschlag.
11. Jewish father,  mother of partial Jewish ancestry, self-identifies as a Jew, although not religiously; see Models of My Life by Herbert A. Simon, BasicBooks, New York,NY, 1991, pp. 3, 17, 112, 262.

12. Jewish mother, née Rosa Knopf, who was the daughter of Samuel and Sophie (née Bernstein) Knopf.   Although baptized a Lutheran, Teuber's paternal grandmother, née Rosa Prerauer, was likely of Jewish descent (based on both her surname and her mother's maiden name, Goldstamm).
13. Jewish father, half-Jewish mother; see, e.g., Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius, by Ray Monk (Penguin, New York and London, 1990, pp. 4-7).




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